Alternative dispute resolution for tenancy deposit and bond disputes

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If you have an AST, your landlord or letting agent has to register your tenancy security deposit or bond in a tenancy deposit protection scheme within 30 days of receiving your tenant deposit, it's the law. If your landlord or agent has protected your tenancy deposit, then you have the right to a free arbitration process called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

How do I use ADR to resolve my deposit dispute with my landlord or letting agent?

If you cannot agree what deductions from your deposit are reasonable with your landlord or letting agent, then you can raise a dispute online with the deposit protection scheme your landlord or agent has protected your tenancy deposit with.

Each of the Tenant Deposit Schemes has slightly different rules about how evidence is submitted. For most Deposit Protection Schemes you raise your tenant deposit dispute online, and your landlord has 14 days to submit their evidence online. Once they have submitted their evidence, you are able to look at what they are saying to the arbitrator and then submit your response. An independent arbitrator will then look at the evidence, and decide how much to award to you and your landlord or agent.

Help and support

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is scary if you have not been through it before. To make sure you get as much of your deposit returned, please see our short guide to submitting evidence to ADR for tenancy deposit disputes for tenants.

Call 020 3476 6648 to talk to one of our advisors who will look at your exact situation, then provide personalised advice on the best way to get the highest amount or all of your deposit back and answer any questions you have about ADR.

The Free Advice Line is manned by certified, trained advisors who are experts in ADR cases, and help tenants to get their tenancy deposit back from landlord or letting agents.

Justice For Tenants offers a service where a trained professional submits evidence for your ADR dispute on your behalf in the form they believe is most likely to maximise the amount of your deposit you can get back from your landlord or agent.

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