Getting Your Deposit Back

Looking for help on this subject?

We are a not for profit free advice service for tenants.

    Call free on 020 3476 6648 to speak to trained advisors.

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How do I get my deposit back?

We would like to hear about your situation in detail before giving advice, as every situation is different. There are many ways that might be correct to get your deposit back, we can help with:

  • Negotiation with the landlord or estate agent
  • Using a free arbitration service (this is your right as a tenant)
  • Taking legal action against the landlord or estate agent to get the deposit back and compensation

Give us a call or fill in the contact form so we can hear about your exact situation and provide the next steps that are best for your situation.

I think my landlord or estate agent has been unfair and may have broken the law?

If this has happened, you may be entitled to compensation.

This could be many thousands of pounds of compensation.

We can tell you if you are entitled to compensation when we help you get your deposit back.